Thank You from Richard DeNapoli

Dear Friends,

We came up short on election day but ran the best campaign we could. Thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way during the campaign – whether you’ve donated, volunteered, sent prayers my way, or helped in any way whatsoever, I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

I know that we all worked the hardest we could and I’m so grateful for all of the hard work that so many of you have given me, my family and this campaign.

I called Dr. Gonzalez shortly after the polls closed to congratulate him and offer him my endorsement and support. Now it’s important that we all work together to gain a Republican supermajority in the Florida House and Senate and reelect our Cabinet members and Governor Rick Scott. Governor Scott called me on Wednesday to ask that I stay involved in the Republican Party and I pledged to do everything I could to help him win reelection.

Thanks to all my supporters and friends for everything !

Richard DeNapoli

1 reply
  1. Andrew
    Andrew says:

    You did the best you could, considering the amount of money (I heard it was $2 million) that the other side spent attacking you with falsehoods.


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