Broward GOP Launches New Website, YouTube Channel, and Blog!









Executive Director Rico Petrocelli


[email protected]

Fort Lauderdale –  Broward GOP Chairman Richard DeNapoli announced the launch of a new Broward GOP Website, YouTube Channel, and blog at the first meeting of the Broward County Republican Executive Committee (“BREC”) in 2011.  This was in keeping with his campaign pledge to improve the technology of the BREC.

There were over 250 people in attendance at the January 31st meeting.

The keynote speaker was Fmr. Congressman E. Clay Shaw. Honored Guest speakers included Representative Matt Hudson, County Commissioner Chip LaMarca, US Senate Candidate Col. Mike McCalister, Ph.D., and Dr. Stephanie E. Haridopolos, MD, wife of Florida Senate President and US Senate Candidate Mike Haridopolos.

Watch Fmr. Congressman Shaw’s speech on our new website at

The new YouTube channel is at Here you will find high definition videos of our meetings catalogued for your viewing.

The new officially-sponsored Broward GOP Insider blog can be accessed by clicking the Insider tab at the top portion of the main page of the website.

“The Broward Republican Executive Committee will continue to upgrade its technology and keep our members informed,” said Chairman DeNapoli.

Chairman DeNapoli and Vice-Chair Colleen Stolberg campaigned on what they called an “8 Point Platform for the Almost 800 Precincts in Broward,” which can be found in its entirety below.

Broward County is the second largest county in terms of registered Republicans in the state of Florida, with almost 250,000 registered Republican voters.



Eight-Point Platform for the almost Eight Hundred Precincts in Broward

(Released by Richard DeNapoli & Colleen Stolberg on 11/4/2010)

1.                    GOP Unity.  

By focusing on our shared conservative values and what unites us rather than on what divides us, we can build a better organization. Together, we can accomplish anything.  This past Election Day, we won nationwide through unity.

2.                     Growing Our Membership through the “800 Club.”  

There are almost 800 precincts in Broward County.  For the upcoming elections, we should try to fill these precincts with active Committemen and Committeewomen.  Only through an active and large membership can we achieve our long-term goals of getting more Republicans elected.

3.                     Empowering our Members and Local Clubs.

The Board of the BREC exists to serve its committee members, and servant leaders are what we aim to be as your Chair and Vice-Chair.  We should also provide our committee members with the opportunity to make public comments at every meeting.  We must strive to give each and every committee member and club the tools they need to succeed in organizing their precincts.  The stronger our local clubs and organizations are, the stronger the Executive Committee will be.  Our local club Presidents should meet regularly and elect a Chair of the Club Presidents on a yearly basis that sits on the dais with the rest of the Board and participates in Executive Board meetings.  Regional Chairs for the Northwest, Northeast, Southwest and Southeast should be established.

4.                     Fundraising.  

We need active fundraising throughout the year through regular Lincoln Day, Reagan Day, and other functions that will enable us to hire an Executive Director to run our operations and headquarters as well as to provide more resources for our members andcandidates.  As your Treasurer, Richard took it upon himself to focus onfundraising to keep our organization going through the November election.  We need to remain diligent throughout the year so we always have enough money to achieve our goals.

5.                   Committees.    

There is a lot of talent among our Executive Committee members.  We are all leaders of our own precincts.  We need leaders for the following committees: Membership, Registration (to register new Republicans), Fundraising, Communications, Campaign Management (the Republican Business Network sponsored a wonderfulcampaign management program in 2007 which should be continued), Candidate Recruitment for all Broward races, and Outreach committees for outside organizations, religious groups, and ethnic groups.  Additionally, as needs arise, new committees will be formed.

6.                     Technology.

As the county with the second largest number of registered Republicans in Florida, we need a website that is second to none.  Campaigns have become increasingly focused on technology, and we need to keep up with these advances while remaining focused on the time-tested, effective grassroots techniques.

7.                      GOTV Training.

It can be overwhelming when someone first gets involved in our organization.  Through regular precinct training, we can help our members succeed.

8.                       Shared Celebrations.

Recognizing the efforts of our local clubs, volunteers and members will promote more goodwill throughout our organization.

Political advertisement paid for and approved by the Broward Republican Executive Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Original Email Date: February 3, 2011

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