Thanks for a Great Presidency 5! 173 Attendees!

Thanks for a Great Presidency 5! 173 Attendees!

September 28, 2011

as featured in AllenWestRepublic


173 Attendees

Presidency 5 Broward

Presidency 5 Broward Photo

Special Thanks to RNC Co-Chair Sharon Day, Vice-Chair Colleen Stolberg, Secretary Sheela Venero, Treasurer Mark McCarthy and BREC Members Michael De Gruccio, Sally Musser, Felicia Anderson, Nick Stone, Nick Esser, Ismael Monroig, Heather Moraitis, Clarence McKee, Terry O’Loughlin and others for their hard work to make our hospitality suite and the entire Presidency 5 experience great! Thank You to Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll, State Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff, State Representative Moraitis, County Commissioner Chip LaMarca, Commissioner Powers, Comissioner Asseff, and candidates Col. Mike McCalister, Karen Harrington and Joe Kaufman for stopping by the hospitality suite.

Thanks to all of our delegates and guests for making Presidency 5 an amazing experience!

All the best,

Richard DeNapoli, Chairman

Republican Party of Broward County

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