
Broward Election Recap – Part 3 – Demographic Changes

To continue my series covering Broward’s election results for 2014, I’ll show in this graphic the demographic breakdown among Broward County’s registered voters.

Some trendlines:

  • Hispanic Voters Showing the Most Registration Growth with 2.95% or 35,400 voters
  • Black Voters also showing registration growth of 1.73% or 23,819 voters
  • White Voters declined 5.57% of the total registered voters in Broward, or less 45,198 voters
  • NPA or Third Party Voters grew 3.15% of the total or 39,626 voters, while Rep and Dems declined as % of whole
  • Overall Registered Voters climbed 25,442
  • White Voters dominate the Republican Party, with 73% of Registered Repubicans
  • Increasing Number of Black Voters in Democrat Party, now comprising 36.5% of all Democrats in Broward
  • Hispanics increasingly registering as NPA, now at 24% of all NPA voters; Hispanics have also increased as a percentage of registered Republicans and Democrats.

See the graphic below for more details.

Broward Demographics 2014 compared to 2010, data from State Supervisor of Elections

Broward Demographics 2014 compared to 2010, data from State Supervisor of Elections


Richard DeNapoli served as the Chairman of the Republican Party of Broward County from December 2010 through December 2012, as was a delegate to the 2008 and 2012 Republican National Conventions from Broward County.  He is an attorney and Certified Financial Planner (R) who now lives in Sarasota County with his family.  You can read more about Richard at