GOP UNITY – Richard DeNapoli Thanks All Candidates
Fellow BREC Members,
GOP UNITY. I wish to thank Tom Truex, Jay Narang, Gene Robinson, Carolyn Kennedy, and Earl Rodney for their dedication and commitment to the Republican Party. I hold all of them and their work for the party in the highest esteem. The BREC will need all of their talents to achieve our common goal of getting Republicans elected.
Without a doubt, 2011 must not be business as usual for Republicans. The Democrats will focus on rebounding after their recent defeats and they will use whatever means necessary to accomplish that goal. It will be so important forthe BREC to focus on getting our Republican candidates elected over the next two years.
Regardless of who you may have supported in Monday night’s election, we are all Republicans and must put our differences aside and work together.
I would rather focus on our shared conservative values and what unites us rather than what may divide us. I’d much rather fight the Democrats than each other.
The BREC board is committed to contributing our very best in 2011 and 2012 and hope that all of our members will join us. We can’t do it alone. We need all of you, our leaders across Broward, to contribute your talents and skills to our cause. Together, we can accomplish anything.

Thank You Again!
Original Email Date: December 10, 2010