
Thank You from Broward GOP Chairman Richard DeNapoli

Thank You from Broward GOP Chairman Richard DeNapoli

Dear Fellow Broward Republican Executive Committee Members,

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your Chairman during these past two years. I’m writing to thank you for your friendship, support and dedication to our Republican Party. With your continued help and support of the Broward Republican Party, I’m optimistic that we will see many Republican victories in the future. Even though I’ll be moving away soon, I want to stay in touch!
You can reach me at (954) 298-9121.

See you at the BREC Meeting tonight!

Thanks again, and God Bless.

All the best,

Richard DeNapoli


Thank You Broward GOP

Thank You from Chairman DeNapoli



Dear Broward Republicans,
Tuesday night was an especially tough one for all of us.  So many of us worked so hard spending countless hours to help elect our Republican candidates, and that’s what made the results even harder to bear.  We participated in one of the largest GOP efforts in Broward history – Volunteers logged hundreds of thousands of calls, knocked on tens of thousands of doors, and we helped all of our candidates by handing out over 85,000 Palm cards and mailing over 90,000 GOTV mailers.  Ballots are still being counted in Broward, but the numbers already show that Mitt Romney got more raw votes in Broward than John McCain in 2008.  I want to personally thank everyone who volunteered for our Republican efforts in Broward County.  We’re in the most Democrat-dominated county in Florida (596,000 Registered Democrats versus 260,000 Registered Republicans) – and one of the most liberal counties east of the Mississippi – but we gave it everything we had and I’m proud of each of every one of you.
The national Democrat surge on Tuesday night affected not only our Broward races but races throughout the state of Florida, claiming as many as five GOP incumbents from the Florida State House, two State Senate seats, and three Congressional seats.  Some of these Florida seats were presumed to be safe Republican seats.
Still, Florida Republicans maintained sizable majorities in both the Florida House and Senate, and Republicans retained control of the US House of Representatives, which will serve as a check and balance on liberal overreach.
Although a number of races didn’t go our way, there are some local bright spots that we should acknowledge. Thanks to your hard work, and despite the national Democrat surge, State Representative George Moraitis won reelection by 10 points in a district that went from having a 7.5% Republican registration advantage to only a 1.1% Republican advantage after redistricting.  Though there are some ballots yet to be counted, Donna Korn will win election to the Broward School Board in the countywide seat – an amazing feat in Broward County!  In August,Katie Leach also won election to the School Board, becoming the first Republican to win a school board seat in Broward since the year 2000.  Vincent Boccard was elected Mayor of Coral Springs, and Dan Daley is a new Coral Springs City Commissioner. Patty Asseff won reelection to the Hollywood City Commission.Jeff Nelson was reelected in Southwest Ranches and Jeff Green was reelected in Cooper City.  Congressman Mario Diaz Balart will also continue to represent a portion of Broward County.
As I’ve said at our Executive Committee meetings for the last few months, redistricting dramatically hurt our chances and there are no “safe” seats in Broward.  The Miami Herald pointed this out in their article yesterday, “Broward GOP losses no shocker after Redistricting and High Obama turnout.” Sen. Bogdanoff’s seat and the Congressional District 22 seat that Adam Hasner competed for went from being swing districts having an almost even number of Republicans and Democrats to having an 8.5-9% Democratic registration advantage after redistricting. In 2008, about 54,000 who voted for President skipped the Sheriff’s race and Sheriff Lamberti won by 15,000 votes.  This time Democrats pushed their voters to vote straight Democrat and preliminary numbers show that only 29,000 voters skipped voting in the Sheriff’s race.  Though not victorious, we must thank Sen. Ellyn BogdanoffAdam Hasner, and Sheriff Lamberti for their service to Broward’s residents.  Sen. Bogdanoff won the Broward portion of her Broward/Palm Beach District, and Adam Hasner performed better in the Broward portion of his district than the Palm Beach portion.
We must also thank all of our candidates that ran locally in Broward.  It takes a lot of fortitude to take on the Democrat machine here in Broward and put your name on that ballot, yet we fielded more candidates than anytime in recent memory.
Nationally, many election predictors and polls were wrong, except that it remains a fact that incumbents usually win.  Republicans have beaten a sitting president only once in the last century, and that was in 1980 when Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter.  In 2016 there will be no incumbent.  We all must remember how disheartened we were on Election Day in 2008…yet we took back the House in 2010 (a non-Presidential year) when turnout is different and more favorable.  No one knows what the future will bring, but we all know after this election that no two election cycles are the same.
Much has yet to be studied regarding Election 2012.  Besides just looking at the results, I can testify from personal experience on Election Day that there were far too many irregularities with the voting procedures.  The machine failures, lack of ballots, and long lines of up to 6 hour wait times are unconscionable.  These problems need to be addressed with the Broward Supervisor of Elections to protect the integrity of our elections.
In the coming days, I’ll share with you some Florida and Broward statistics as they become available.  There is much to learn and study, and we need to apply what we learn to how we conduct our efforts in the future to grow our party.
For now, I just want to thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for your enormous sacrifices that each of you made this election cycle.  Our volunteers are the heart and soul of our Broward Republican Party, and without you, there would be no Broward Republican Party and no victories in any cycle.  Thank you once again.
Richard DeNapoli, Chairman

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Political advertisement paid for and approved by the Broward Republican Executive Committee.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Richard DeNapoli Named One of the Best REC Fundraisers

I had the pleasure of being featured in Florida Conservative News as one of the Best Republican Executive Committee Fundraisers for 2011.  Check out the article below…

“Best REC Fundraisers Profiles: Richard DeNapoli, Broward

Talk about a turnaround story – Treasurer’s Reports online in Broward only go back to the first quarter of 2008, and the Broward REC has never raised as much money in the history of these reports as it has under Chairman DeNapoli.  Richard DeNapoli is one of the youngest Chairman in the RPOF structure, elected at 33 years old in a highly contested election.  Apparently, his business and campaign background (he’s known for being involved in numerous campaigns), has served the REC well.  He has had a successful Lincoln Day (with about 450 in attendance) as well as an event called the Grand Old Party BBQ, which reportedly attracted some 600 guests.  The Broward delegation at Presidency 5 was also large – 173 members.  Though Broward County has some well-to-do areas, it seems it had never been tapped appropriately for fundraising by the Broward REC…until now.  Whatever formula DeNapoli is using, it’s successful.  The Broward REC is also one of the largest in the state at approximately 400 members, and we’ve heard that their regular monthly meetings bring in well over 300 people – a large increase over previous years.  It’s always tough to be a Chairman in large RECs like Palm Beach and Broward for the simple reason that it’s tough to keep tons of people happy.  

New RPOF Loyalty Oath and Code of Ethics – Upcoming Events



More Announcements Below

New RPOF Loyalty Oath and Code of Ethics.

The Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) has issued a new party loyalty oath.  In addition to clarifying the language of the party loyalty oath, all state and county Republican Executive Committee members are now required to abide by the principles of ethical behavior contained in the RPOF Code of Ethics.
As a result of these changes, all Republican Executive Committee members will need to execute and file a new Oath of Party Loyalty and Ethical Conduct with the BREC.  You may review it here by clicking on this document link: RPOF Oath of Party Loyalty and Ethical Conduct.  We will need an original signed and witnessed hardcopy, and will make the form available at our upcoming BREC Meetings.  We will have a table reserved specifically for this purpose.  If you have any questions, please call Legal Counsel David Di Pietro at 954-462-5500.  These forms are due by May 31, 2011, and must be completed by our May meeting.

Precinct Walks this Weekend:

Jerry Fadgen: Saturday 9:30 AM – Meet at the Publix on Flamingo Road and 595, 225. S. Flamingo Rd.  Saturday 2 PM – Meet at Jerry’s office 21 East Acre Dr.  Sunday 2 PM – Meet at Deicke Park near the tennis courts.  1200 NW 106th Ave.  12th St. and Nob Hill Rd.  Call 954-684-1370 for more info.

Shari McCartney:  Saturday 9:00 AM – Mom’s Kitchen, 1940 NE 45th, Oakland Park, FL 33308 (one block west of Federal Highway on 45th Street).

Monday, February 7th, 6 – 9PM – Buddy Helland, Candidate for Oakland Park City Commission – Fundraiser.  

You Are Invited to Buddy Helland’s Campaign Fundraiser! Monday Night…6:00PM to 9:00PM on February 7th, 2011 at: Tequila Sunrise Mexican Grill, 4711 North Dixie Highway Oakland Park, FL 33334, (954) 938-4473.  Located just a couple of blocks South of Commercial Boulevard on Dixie Highway / West side of the road.  Contact Buddy Helland at 754-214-6460 or[email protected].

Message from Barbara Campbell, Fundraising Chair of the East Broward Federated Women’s Republican Club:

“Our Annual Fashion Show is just around the corner…We would like you to advertise your business in our advertisement program….For those who do not have a business of their own or are not employed, we have our Complements of Page.  Remember every little bit helps.  This is our largest fund raiser of the year.  EBFWRC is very involved with working with the first and second grade students at Bennett Elementary School.  One of the high points of the year is the opportunity to provide each student with a book of their choice to take home and keep as well as a $500 teacher grant and journals and supplies at the beginning of the school year.  We also contribute the maximum amount to each Republican candidate.  Please contact Barbara Campbell at 954-566-9098 if you wish to advertise.  It’s $15 for a Business Card, $30 Half Page, $60 Full Page, and $5 Complements of Page.  THE DEADLINE IS FAST APPROACHING.

Other Events:

Saturday, February 5th – 3:00 PM – Tea Party Fort Lauderdale presents Margie Patchett of Lower Taxes Now!  Jib Room at 204 East Oakland Park Blvd. Fort Lauderdale.  (1 Block West of Federal Highway on the South Side).  Ms. Patchett has uncovered millions of misspent dollars in Orange and Volusia Counties in Central Florida.  Ms. Patchett will tell you exactly what to do to effect change in Broward County.   Margie is the sister of BREC Member Mary Drabik.  See


 While campaigning to become your Broward Chairman, I released theEight Point Platform for the Almost 800 Precincts in Broward, which contained the following:

#8 Shared Celebrations.  Recognizing the efforts of our local clubs, volunteers and members will promote more goodwill throughout our organization.”
So in keeping with my campaign promise…
I hereby officially recognize Javier Manjarres, Committeeman Alternate, for being named CPAC Blogger of the Year.

All the best,

Richard DeNapoli, Chairman

Republican Party of Broward County

Political advertisement paid for and approved by the Broward Republican Executive Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.  There is no audio or video recording permitted at our meetings.

Original Email Date: February 4, 2011

Broward GOP Launches New Website, YouTube Channel, and Blog!









Executive Director Rico Petrocelli


[email protected]

Fort Lauderdale –  Broward GOP Chairman Richard DeNapoli announced the launch of a new Broward GOP Website, YouTube Channel, and blog at the first meeting of the Broward County Republican Executive Committee (“BREC”) in 2011.  This was in keeping with his campaign pledge to improve the technology of the BREC.

There were over 250 people in attendance at the January 31st meeting.

The keynote speaker was Fmr. Congressman E. Clay Shaw. Honored Guest speakers included Representative Matt Hudson, County Commissioner Chip LaMarca, US Senate Candidate Col. Mike McCalister, Ph.D., and Dr. Stephanie E. Haridopolos, MD, wife of Florida Senate President and US Senate Candidate Mike Haridopolos.

Watch Fmr. Congressman Shaw’s speech on our new website at

The new YouTube channel is at Here you will find high definition videos of our meetings catalogued for your viewing.

The new officially-sponsored Broward GOP Insider blog can be accessed by clicking the Insider tab at the top portion of the main page of the website.

“The Broward Republican Executive Committee will continue to upgrade its technology and keep our members informed,” said Chairman DeNapoli.

Chairman DeNapoli and Vice-Chair Colleen Stolberg campaigned on what they called an “8 Point Platform for the Almost 800 Precincts in Broward,” which can be found in its entirety below.

Broward County is the second largest county in terms of registered Republicans in the state of Florida, with almost 250,000 registered Republican voters.



Eight-Point Platform for the almost Eight Hundred Precincts in Broward

(Released by Richard DeNapoli & Colleen Stolberg on 11/4/2010)

1.                    GOP Unity.  

By focusing on our shared conservative values and what unites us rather than on what divides us, we can build a better organization. Together, we can accomplish anything.  This past Election Day, we won nationwide through unity.

2.                     Growing Our Membership through the “800 Club.”  

There are almost 800 precincts in Broward County.  For the upcoming elections, we should try to fill these precincts with active Committemen and Committeewomen.  Only through an active and large membership can we achieve our long-term goals of getting more Republicans elected.

3.                     Empowering our Members and Local Clubs.

The Board of the BREC exists to serve its committee members, and servant leaders are what we aim to be as your Chair and Vice-Chair.  We should also provide our committee members with the opportunity to make public comments at every meeting.  We must strive to give each and every committee member and club the tools they need to succeed in organizing their precincts.  The stronger our local clubs and organizations are, the stronger the Executive Committee will be.  Our local club Presidents should meet regularly and elect a Chair of the Club Presidents on a yearly basis that sits on the dais with the rest of the Board and participates in Executive Board meetings.  Regional Chairs for the Northwest, Northeast, Southwest and Southeast should be established.

4.                     Fundraising.  

We need active fundraising throughout the year through regular Lincoln Day, Reagan Day, and other functions that will enable us to hire an Executive Director to run our operations and headquarters as well as to provide more resources for our members andcandidates.  As your Treasurer, Richard took it upon himself to focus onfundraising to keep our organization going through the November election.  We need to remain diligent throughout the year so we always have enough money to achieve our goals.

5.                   Committees.    

There is a lot of talent among our Executive Committee members.  We are all leaders of our own precincts.  We need leaders for the following committees: Membership, Registration (to register new Republicans), Fundraising, Communications, Campaign Management (the Republican Business Network sponsored a wonderfulcampaign management program in 2007 which should be continued), Candidate Recruitment for all Broward races, and Outreach committees for outside organizations, religious groups, and ethnic groups.  Additionally, as needs arise, new committees will be formed.

6.                     Technology.

As the county with the second largest number of registered Republicans in Florida, we need a website that is second to none.  Campaigns have become increasingly focused on technology, and we need to keep up with these advances while remaining focused on the time-tested, effective grassroots techniques.

7.                      GOTV Training.

It can be overwhelming when someone first gets involved in our organization.  Through regular precinct training, we can help our members succeed.

8.                       Shared Celebrations.

Recognizing the efforts of our local clubs, volunteers and members will promote more goodwill throughout our organization.

Political advertisement paid for and approved by the Broward Republican Executive Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Original Email Date: February 3, 2011