
To My Fellow Republicans

Fellow Broward Republicans,

First, thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for all of the hard work and sacrifice that each of you made in this 2012 election cycle.  I have been incredibly humbled and honored to serve as your Chairman for these past two years.  It has been a labor of love, and we have all spent countless hours helping our Republican candidates.  I want to say thank you to all of you that have asked me to run for reelection, but I have decided to accept a career opportunity in another part of the state and will not be a candidate for reelection at the December organizational meeting.  This opportunity just came up and it’s the best move for my career and my family.  Colleen will also not seek reelection and has decided to spend more time with her husband and family.

So many of us worked so hard spending countless hours to help elect our Republican candidates, and that’s what made the recent results even harder to bear.  We participated in one of the largest GOP efforts in Broward history – Volunteers logged hundreds of thousands of calls, knocked on tens of thousands of doors, and we helped all of our candidates by handing out over 85,000 palm cards and mailing over 90,000 GOTV mailers.  Though nationally Republicans were overwhelmed by the Obama wave, thanks to your hard work, Mitt Romney got more votes in Broward than John McCain in 2008, even with a changing electorate.

This year’s elections were not a defeat of our core Republican principles.  If Republicans nationally can articulate an optimistic vision for our country’s future that appeals to people across all walks of life, we will see future successes at the polls.  As our RPOF Chairman Lenny Curry said in his recent Sun-Sentinel article, “…optimism is the fundamental principle of conservatism. We believe in the potential for greatness in the American individual….This nation is a foundation, and upon it any person – no matter their race or gender – can build a life filled with opportunity. At our core as Republicans we have ideas that are good for ALL Americans, and now we must work to ensure people hear this loud and clear.”  I am very optimistic about the future of the Republican Party nationally and in Broward county.

When Colleen Stolberg and I ran for Chair and Vice-Chair two years ago, we issued an Eight Point Platform for the Almost Eight Hundred Precincts in Broward County.  In our recent email, we detailed the Platform and how the promises we made were the promises we kept (which I have pasted below).   I hope that whoever comes forward to run for the officer positions of the Republican Party of Broward will continue these successes and improve upon them with new ideas.

Together, we have all built the largest REC in the state of Florida with blockbuster attendance and the foundation for a continued strong Republican Party in Broward.  We saw tremendous fundraising successes over the last two years, raising over $385,000 of revenue for the party through regular events and fundraising appeals.  We added about 200 new members to the REC.  We instituted a solid internet presence and new clubs and committees were created.

The BREC needs to continue its fundraising successes, attract new members, improve our technology and establish an improved GOTV Program.  Obama organizers had been deeply embedded in Broward for years before the 2012 election, focusing their persuasion efforts on person-to-person contact. Our Precinct Letter Project helped our members establish more personal contact with Republicans in their neighborhoods.  Broward Republicans need to start campaigning for 2014 today.

Despite how much we suffered in redistricting and the Obama wave this November 6th, there were some local Broward bright spots.  Despite the national Democrat surge, State Representative George Moraitis won reelection by 10 points in a district that went from having a 7.5% Republican registration advantage to only a 1.1% Republican advantage after redistricting. Donna Korn won election to the Broward School Board in the countywide seat against the former Democratic Minority Leader of the Florida House – an amazing feat in Broward County! In August, Katie Leach also won election to the School Board, becoming the first Republican to win a school board seat in Broward since the year 2000.  Vincent Boccard was elected Mayor of Coral Springs, and Dan Daley is a new Coral Springs City Commissioner. Patty Asseff won reelection to the Hollywood City Commission. Jeff Nelson was reelected in Southwest Ranches and Jeff Green was reelected in Cooper City.  Congressman Mario Diaz Balart will also continue to represent a portion of Broward County.  Senator Bogdanoff won the Broward portion of her Broward/Palm Beach District, and Adam Hasner performed better in the Broward portion of his district than the Palm Beach portion.  We must thank Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff, Adam Hasner, Sheriff Lamberti and Congressman West for their service to Broward’s residents.

Broward needs to reelect State Representative George Moraitis and County Commissioner LaMarca, as well as our statewide elected officials: Governor Scott, Attorney General Bondi, CFO Atwater and Commissioner of Agriculture Putnam.  They will all be targeted by the Democrats.  The BREC needs to continue to support our Republican nominees in other races and in local off-year elections.  We did this in 2011 and 2012, and we need to continue to support our local candidates.

I must thank Rico Petrocelli, our Executive Director, for all of the hard work that he has put into his role.  Special thanks also to our wonderful Executive Board.  There is no way that we could have accomplished what we did without them.  Our Vice-Chair Colleen Stolberg diligently worked to recruit new REC members and helped us become the largest REC in the State of Florida.  Thanks to the efforts of our Treasurer Mark McCarthy, we were able to remove thousands of deceased voters from the rolls and establish a Federal Campaign Account that allowed us to purchase all of those Romney/Ryan signs and bumper stickers.  Our Secretary Michael De Gruccio served as the Lincoln Day Chair and major fundraiser for 2011 and 2012 and worked day and night at the Pompano HQ coordinating our Get Out The Vote and Poll Watching/Poll Campaigning efforts.  RNC Co-Chair Sharon Day campaigned tirelessly all over the country inspiring crowds and working to get our Republican candidates elected.  State Committeeman Ed Kennedy has been a wonderful resource to the Board and campaigns.

Lastly, I could not have made the commitment I did without the support of my wife – the love of my life.  She spent many an evening alone, most recently with our newborn son, while I was participating in our various functions and going to club meetings across the county.  When I ran for Chairman two years ago, I was still dating Brigita. We got married in Italy in August 2011 and in August 2012 I became a proud father when Victor Alfred DeNapoli was born.  Though it’s tough to leave Broward and my passion for politics, I know that there are good things ahead for myself and my family.Being the County Chairman or serving on the Board is not a glamorous position…it’s a public service position.  Anyone who does this volunteer job quickly realizes that it’s a labor of love that requires time, patience, and constant dedication – oftentimes into the wee hours of the night. But it is well worth the effort.  I am happy to count so many of you as my friends.  The strength of our organization lies in its members.  Our volunteers and members are the heart and soul of our Broward Republican Party, and without you, there would be no Broward Republican Party and no victories in any cycle.

Thank you once again for your sacrifice to our mutual cause, for your support of me as your Chairman, and for your friendship.  I look forward to seeing you all very soon and my family and I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and a Joyous Holiday Season.

All the best,

Richard DeNapoli



Promises Made, Promises Kept


Dear Fellow Broward Republicans,

When Colleen Stolberg and I ran for Chair and Vice-Chair two years ago, we issued an Eight Point Platform for the Almost Eight Hundred Precincts in Broward County. Below, we detail the Platform and how the promises we made were the promises we kept.

All the Best,

Richard DeNapoli, Chairman

“1.  GOP Unity.  By focusing on our shared conservative values and what unites us rather than on what divides us, we can build a better organization. Together, we can accomplish anything.”

  • Together, as an organization, we grew our membership and built the largest REC in the State of Florida…in the most Democrat-dominated county in Florida.  Together, we had over 300 people at every meeting.  Together we pulled in crowds of 450 at Lincoln Day 2011, over 600 at the Grand Old Party BBQ, and almost 500 at our Lincoln Day 2012.  A growing membership and blockbuster attendance at meetings and events is a sure sign of a united organization.

“2.  Growing Our Membership through the “800 Club.”  There are almost 800 precincts in Broward County.  For the upcoming elections, we should try to fill these precincts with active Committemen and Committeewomen.  Only through an active and large membership can we achieve our long-term goals of getting more Republicans elected.”

  • We added almost 200 new members in the last two years thanks to our outreach efforts.  Thanks to Vice Chair Colleen Stolberg for her amazing work building our organization.

“3.  Empowering our Members and Local Clubs.  The Board of the BREC exists to serve its committee members, and servant leaders are what we aim to be as your Chair and Vice-Chair.  We should also provide our committee members with the opportunity to make public comments at every meeting.  We must strive to give each and every committee member and club the tools they need to succeed in organizing their precincts.  The stronger our local clubs and organizations are, the stronger the Executive Committee will be.  Our local club Presidents should meet regularly and elect a Chair of the Club Presidents on a yearly basis that sits on the dais with the rest of the Board and participates in Executive Board meetings. …”

  • At our very first meeting, we allowed public comments and motions…and continued this for the last two years.
  • We provided all of our members with training manuals and precinct listsin 2011 – far in advance of the elections.
  • The Weston Club was restarted and the Republican Club of Central Broward was created.  Both quickly became very successful.  The BREC Jewish Outreach Committee was also started which in turn became very successful.
  • We offered our members a way to reach out to the Republicans in their precincts via our Precinct Letter Project.  This allowed our members to contact over 50,000 Republican households and provide them with a customized voter guide to help all of our candidates on the ballot. Though we won’t know turnout numbers by registration for a couple of weeks, in precincts where members sent letters, there was higher performance compared to neighboring similar precincts.  Additionally, the BREC sent out 40,000 of these letters and guides to areas not represented by REC members to help turn out the vote.  This assisted our preferred candidates in the nonpartisan races tremendously.  An example is Coral Springs: Every precinct in Coral Springs was covered, where Vincent Boccard and Dan Daley won election.  The entire city of Margate was covered, and our two candidates there came very close to winning their races.
  • We held regular Club Presidents meetings, and the club presidents elected Chairs of the Club Presidents (though they didn’t want to sit on the dais).

“4.  Fundraising.  We need active fundraising throughout the year through regular Lincoln Day, Reagan Day, and other functions that will enable us to hire an Executive Director to run our operations and headquarters as well as to provide more resources for our members and candidates.  As your Treasurer, Richard took it upon himself to focus on fundraising to keep our organization going through the November election.  We need to remain diligent throughout the year so we always have enough money to achieve our goals.”

  • The total of all monies raised during the last two years was revenue of $385,144.
  • Less than three months after our election, we held our first Lincoln Day, featuring Keynote Speaker Governor Scott and Special Guests RNC Co-Chair Sharon Day and Congressman Allen West.  We netted $90,000.
  • In June 2011, we held our Grand Old Party BBQ featuring Congressman Allen West and just about every Republican candidate running for office in Broward County. We netted about $15,000.
  • In September 2011, Presidency 5 we had more than 170 attendees from Broward.  This resulted in some $30,000 netted for the Republican Party of Florida, which in turn referred $4,000 to the BREC.
  • We held our second Lincoln Day in May 2012 with Keynote Speaker Attorney General Pam Bondi and Special Guests CFO Jeff Atwater and Congressman Allen West.
  • We collected tens of thousands of dollars throughout both years in our regular fundraising appeals and monthly sponsors at meetings.
  • We opened a Federal Account thanks to the hard work of Treasurer Mark McCarthy – this enabled us to make purchases of Romney/Ryan signs, bumper stickers, etc.  We distributed over 8,000 Romney/Ryan signs and bumper stickers throughout Broward – mostly paid for through contributions to the Federal account.

“5.    Committees.    There is a lot of talent among our Executive Committee members.  We are all leaders of our own precincts. We need leaders for (a variety of) … committees…”

  • We appointed various members to various committees.  Colleen Stolberg managed our Membership Committee, and we added almost 200 new members
  • Michael De Gruccio spearheaded our Registration Committee, and many of our members went out doing voter registration.  The RPOF set a goal of a little more than 12,000 new Republican registrations. Together, Broward exceeded our goals with new Republican registrations of over 18,000 since the 2010 General Election.
  • Richard focused on Candidate Recruitment, and we had more candidates than at any point in recent memory, and appointed members to various leadership councils and outreach committees.
  • We held monthly charitable drives that were spearheaded by Heather Moraitis, wife of George Moraitis, our State Representative.

“6.    Technology.  As the county with the second largest number of registered Republicans in Florida, we need a website that is second to none.  Campaigns have become increasingly focused on technology, and we need to keep up with these advances while remaining focused on the time-tested, effective grassroots techniques.”

  • Richard redesigned our website and updated it regularly over the past two years.
  • Richard established our Facebook Fan page in 2011, and it has over 20,000 fans today.  We also utilized Facebook advertising to attract attendees and new members to our events and meetings.
  • Our email list has attracted over 20,000 contacts.
  • Utilizing sign-up forms online, we referred over 500 volunteers – many first time volunteers – to the Romney and Broward GOP Victory offices.
  • Richard also reached out to new people via robo calls.
  • We received accolades in local press for our advances in technology.

“7.     GOTV Training.  It can be overwhelming when someone first gets involved in our organization.  Through regular precinct training, we can help our members succeed.”

  • The Board created and designed, after consultation with the Club Presidents, the Broward GOP Precinct Training Manual, which was presented at four different training sessions throughout the four corners of Broward in November 2011.
  • This training manual was presented by Richard at an RPOF meeting and it quickly became the model for all the RECs across the state of Florida.

“8.      Shared Celebrations.  Recognizing the efforts of our local clubs, volunteers and members will promote more goodwill throughout our organization.”

  • We have thanked our members with mentions at meetings, presented lifetime achievement awards to our long serving members, presented awards to our elected officials, presented member-of-the-year awards, Young Republican of the Year awards, and recognized our host committee members for our various fundraisers in print and online advertising.

Lastly, beyond the Eight Point Platform, we also accomplished the following as an organization:

  • We garnered national news attention when we unearthed evidence and were successful in having thousands of dead voters removed from the rolls in Broward.
  • We fought the Broward Supervisor of Elections and successfully restored an Early Voting Site to the east side of Broward (this site had the highest percentage of Republican voters of all the Early Voting sites in the August 2012 primary).
  • We fielded candidates in more races than ever in recent memory throughout the county.
  • We had the liberal League of Women Voters Guide removed from the Broward Supervisor of Election’s website.
  • We chased absentee Republican voters with robocalls, mailings, and phone banking, and had a higher return rate than the Democrats.
  • We distributed 85,000 palm card voter guides for Early Voting and Election Day, and online recommendations were downloaded over 1,000 times.
  • We remodeled the BREC HQ, and opened it up to all candidates.
  • We defended Congressman West and multiple other candidates during redistricting hearings that many of our members and officers attended.
  • We opened two Broward GOP Victory offices South of I-595, where tens of thousands of calls have been made to turn out the Republican vote.
  • Broward saw the first Republican elected to the School Board since the year 2000 when Katie Leach was elected in August, and all of our recommended candidates either won their August races outright or made it to the November election.
  • Though is was a tough year, redistricting hurt our prospects and the National Democrat surge claimed as many as five GOP incumbents (some in what many would consider “safe seats”) from the Florida State House (including the incoming Speaker Designate), two State Senate seats, and three Congressional seats, there were some bright spots in Broward County….
  • George Moraitis was reelected by 10 points in a district that went from having a 7.5% Republican registration advantage to only a 1.1% Republican advantage after redistricting.
  • Vincent Boccard was elected Mayor of Coral Springs, and Dan Daley is a new Coral Springs City Commissioner. Republicans now hold 4 of 5 seats in Coral Springs.  Patty Asseff won reelection to the Hollywood City Commission.  Jeff Nelson was reelected in Southwest Ranches and Jeff Green was reelected in Cooper City.  Congressman Mario Diaz Balart will also continue to represent a portion of Broward County.
  • Donna Korn won election to the School Board in the at-large seat, an amazing feat in Broward County against the former Democratic Leader of the Florida House!

While there may be good election cycles and bad election cycles, you can be assured that our promises made have been our promises kept.  We will always work hard on behalf of our Republican candidates and the BREC.

All the best,

Richard DeNapoli & Colleen Stolberg

 Original Email Dated: November 19, 2012, 7 AM

Political advertisement paid for and approved by the Broward Republican Executive Committee.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Tonight! You are Invited to Party with 700+ Broward Republicans on Election Night!



2012 Official

Broward Republican Party &

George Moraitis Campaign Victory Party

Broward GOP election night party
Please Note: This is the only Official Republican Party of Broward event and invite.  Candidates or their representatives may have individual events at other locations but those are not controlled or organized by the Party.  Please check with the candidates directly if you would like information on their events.

Hosted by:

The Republican Party of Broward County &

the George Moraitis Campaign for State Representative


 Celebrate All of Our Republican Candidates in Broward!

Our Candidates on the Ballot in Broward Today: 
 Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan
Connie Mack
District 22: Adam Hasner
District 23: Karen Harrington
District 25: Mario Diaz-Balart
Jim Lewis
District 29: Soren Swensen
District 31: Christopher “Chris” Smithmyer
District 33: Juan Selaya
District 34: Ellyn Bogdanoff
District 93: George Moraitis
District 94: Scott Herman
District 97: James Gleason
District 98: Cara Christine Pavalock
District 99: Elizabeth Anne “Libby” Eddy
District 103: Manny Diaz, Jr.
District 104: Douglas “Doug” Andrew Gordon Harrison
District 105: Carlos Trujillo
Al Lamberti
Robert W. Sutton
District 5: Torey Alston
At Large 8: Donna Pilger Korn
 Food Provided – Cash Bar
At the
Westin Ft. Lauderdale
400 Corporate Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334
(just off of the Cypress Creek East Exit of I-95)
Hotel Phone: 954-660-6720
Tuesday, November 6th
From 7:30 pm to 12:00 am
Watch election results LIVE with fellow Republicans!
National, State and Local Results Presented!
Candidate Appearances throughout the night
Food will be provided – Cash Bar
Chicken & Beef & Pasta Stations
Call 954-941-7775 with any questions
Political advertisement paid for and approved by the Broward Republican Executive Committee.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Political advertisement paid for and approved by George Moraitis, Republican for State Representative, District 93.

Broward GOP Newswire 11-2-2012



  Early Voting and “72-hour” Volunteers!


VOLUNTEER AT ONE OF OUR CAMPAIGN OFFICES IN BROWARD – OPEN EVERY DAY THROUGH ELECTION DAY – Help us contact thousands of voters on the phone and by knocking on doors!

Addresses and Details Below



 You can also see a list of Absentee Ballot Drop off sites 


DO YOU WANT TO HAND OUT PALM CARDS AT YOUR PRECINCT ON TUESDAY?  If so, pick up some at the following locations/also GOP AB Drop off Sites:

Broward GOP HQ

150 S. Andrews Ave., Pompano Beach, FL 33069

Contact: 954-941-7775

Broward GOP Action Victory Center at Pembroke Pines

400 N. Hiatus Road, Ste. 200

Pembroke Pines, FL 33026

Rico Petrocelli, BREC Executive Director 954-931-0242

Broward GOP Action Victory Center at Hollywood

1004 Washington Street

Hollywood, FL 33019

Chad Lincoln, 954-399-2732 









Adam Hasner Reception, Friday, November 2nd, 11:30 AM – 1 PM .  NIKKI & SPIRO MARCHELOS

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Karen Harrington Sign Waving Friday, November 2, 4-6 PM @ Flamingo and Pines Blvd (NE corner)**

Ellyn Bogdanoff Sign Waving, Friday, November 2nd

4pm to 6pm- SE Corner of Commercial Blvd and Federal (by the glass office building)

Contact Lauren Jackson at 954-832-5838 or 931-265-8999 for details***

Moraitis Sign Waving, Friday, November 2, 5-6PM at Atlantic Boulevard and Federal Highway****

Sign Waving in Coral Springs, Friday. November 2nd, 5-7PM

(corner of University and Sample Road)

 For more info, Call Elaine Laffey 732-991-7648 (cell phone)


Ellyn Bogdanoff Early Voting Campaigning Saturday, November 3rd
Poll working on Saturday for the last day of Early Voting- Morning, Afternoon, Evening Shifts:
Broward County:
SOE at E Pat Larkins: 520 Martin Luther King Blvd, Pompano Beach
Ftl Branch Library/Art Serve: 1350 E. Sunrise Blvd Room 130, Ft. Lauderdale
Wilton Manors City Hall: 2020 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors
Pompano Beach City Hall: 100 West Atlantic Blvd, Pompano Beach

Contact Lauren Jackson at 954-832-5838 or 931-265-8999 for details***

Vince Boccard for Mayor Volunteers Needed for Saturday, November 3rd.  7am to 7pm at the Coral Springs Library (last day for early voting) RSVP to: [email protected]*****

Moraitis Campaign Walk Saturday, November 3, 10 AM – 1 PM. North Broward County Park, 1899 NE 43rd Ct., Pompano Beach, FL 33064 walking SE Deerfield and NE Pompano.****

Hollywood GOP Victory Center BBQ to thank volunteers, Saturday, November 3rd, 2 PM.  In the middle of a day of phone banking, refuel with a BBQ at the Hollywood Action Center.  Contact Chad at 954-305-7490.

Ellyn Bogdanoff Campaign Walk on Sunday, 10:30 AM

Meeting at 10:30 at Starbucks, 423 South Federal Highway, Pompano Beach, FL for coffee and walking from 11:00 to 1:00

Contact Lauren Jackson at 954-832-5838 or 931-265-8999 for details***


Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Senator Norm Coleman Campaign Rally on Sunday, November 4th, 11:30 AM Sunday Morning, Event at 12:30 PM.  We are pleased to announce that the Coral Springs Victory Office will be hosting Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Senator Norm Coleman for a campaign rally on Sunday, November 4th!  The event will begin at 12:30 PM and will be held in the front parking lot.  Please be here by 11:30 AM Sunday morning to show your support so we can have a big turnout.

Brandon Rodriguez, Field Director
Romney Victory 2012
10200 W Sample Road
Coral Springs, FL 33065
(754) 229-9508

Blake Earley, Field Director
Romney Victory 2012
10200 W Sample Road
Coral Springs, FL 33065
(256) 797-6395 ******


Karen Harrington Sign Waving, Monday, November 5th7-8 AM @ University & Pines Blvd (SE Side)

5-6 PM @ Pines Blvd & 136th Ave (SW corner)**

Sign Waving in Coral Springs, Monday, November 5th, 5-7PM

(corner of University and Royal Palm Boulevard)

For more info, Call Elaine Laffey 732-991-7648 (cell phone)

Ellyn Bogdanoff Sign Waving, Monday, November 5th

MONDAY, NOV. 5- 7:30am to 9am- NE Corner of Oakland Park Blvd and Federal (by the mall) – If we have enough people or if another campaign is already there, we will be at Broward Blvd and Federal (by the Einstein’s) as well
MONDAY, NOV. 5- 4am to 6pm- SE Corner of Commercial and Federal (by the glass office building)
Contact Lauren Jackson at 954-832-5838 or 931-265-8999 for details***
Karen Harrington Activities through Election Day
If you are interested in being a poll greeter, please reply to this email or call Kevin at our campaign headquarters at (954) 587 – 3734.  If you are interested in calling voters or knocking on doors, please reply to this email or call Ellen at our campaign headquarters at (954) 587 – 3734.
Make your voice heard to help us fire Debbie on November 6. YOU can be the deciding factor. Our office is open from 10am to 8pm every day until election day –  5981 Stirling Road in Davie FL 33314. **


Ellyn Bogdanoff Poll Working on Election Day

Poll working for General Election Day- Tuesday, Nov. 6- Morning, Afternoon, Evening Shifts:

Volunteers can choose a shift at one of our priority polling locations or they can choose a location they prefer that is not a priority (their own precinct, for example)

Contact Lauren Jackson at 954-832-5838 or 931-265-8999 for details

George Moraitis Election Day
On Monday, November 5th, volunteers can walk, make calls or sign wave.  Volunteers needed for early voting and on election day:
The Moraitis Campaign is looking for volunteers to help at the polls on Election Day, November 6th. Even a few hours in the morning or after work can help make a big difference. Please contact Sara Pennington at 850-559-2715 or [email protected] if you can help!

If you are working a poll on election day for the Moraitis Campaign please pick up your materials (shirts, signs, and pamphlets) at these locations below:

1487 NE 60th St. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334 (materials will be sitting in the courtyard)- Saturday all day and Monday all day

915 Middle River Drive, Suite 506 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304- Monday all day

150 S. Andrews Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33069- Monday all day

If you cannot make it to one of these locations during the available times then please call Sara Pennington at 850-559-2715.****


Vince Boccard for Mayor Volunteers Needed for Election Day, Tuesday Nov 6 …7am to 7pm  (locations to be assigned) Respond: [email protected].*****



Adam Hasner Broward County Walking
Contact Dan at 561-221-7032.*

Sheriff Al Lamberti – Contact Ryan Reiter at 954.234.0836 for walks or campaign infor or at [email protected] for more info)  ******


Bob Sutton/Jim Gleason  – Email for for details and directions for walks/campaigning. [email protected]  *******


Central Broward Republican Club Campaign Walks/Campaigning at the Polls. Contact their club President, Ken Nuelle, at [email protected].


Southwest Broward Club Campaign Walks/Campaigning.  Contact Jack Murphy 954-895-8525.






We are phone banking and precinct walking.  Join us at our five offices. Please call Rico Petrocelli at HQ at 954-941-7775 or register at the link above.  We will provide walking lists, call scripts and training to our volunteers.


Romney/Ryan Victory and Broward GOP Offices in Broward:

 Contact Numbers below

Please call in advance to RSVP for your volunteer time

Pompano at the BREC HQ – Romney Victory Office
150 S. Andrews Ave., Ste. 370
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Rico Petrocelli, BREC Executive Director 954-941-7775

Fort Lauderdale at Oakland Park Blvd –
Romney Victory Office
2817 E. Oakland Park Boulevard, Ste. 200A
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
Micah Spangler, Field Director 754-300-8698

Coral Springs – Romney Victory Office
10200 West Sample Road
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Brandon Rodriguez, Field Director 754-229-9508

Broward GOP Action Victory Center at Pembroke Pines
400 N. Hiatus Road, Ste. 200
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
Rico Petrocelli, BREC Executive Director 954-931-0242

Broward GOP Action Victory Center at Hollywood

1004 Washington Street

Hollywood, FL 33019

Chad Lincoln, 954-399-2732


-Connie Mack – Yard Signs are available at all BREC offices.  Please call 954-941-7775 before coming by to pick up.

-Adam Hasner Yard Signs are available at BREC HQ at 150 S. Andrews Ave., Ste. 370, Pompano Beach, FL 33069.  Please call 954-941-7775 before coming by to pick up.

-Karen Harrington – Yard Signs are available at Broward GOP Victory Center in Pembroke Pines.  400 N. Hiatus Road, Ste. 200, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026.  Please call 954-931-0242 before coming to pick up.

-Sheriff Lamberti Yard Signs are available at BREC HQ at 150 S. Andrews Ave., Ste. 370, Pompano Beach, FL 33069.  Please call 954-941-7775 before coming by to pick up.

-Vince Boccard for Coral Springs Mayor Yard Signs are available at Laurette Homan’s office at Hilton Insurance Service, 10211 Sample Rd., Coral Springs, FL Please Call Ahead at 954-461-6212.



With the election just a few days away, Romney campaign staffers will begin deploying to targeted areas across the country to assist with final Get-Out-The-Vote operations. One of those areas is the Fort Lauderdale office. These staffers will be helping us in Broward through Nov. 6 but require temporary housing. Would you or anyone you know be interested in housing a Romney staffer over the next 20 days or so? This is a great way to help if you’re unable to regularly donate your time to phone banking or door knocking.
Please email Micah Spangler at [email protected] if you can help. Thanks! Micah Spangler, Broward County Field Director
Romney Victory 2012, 2817 E Oakland Park Blvd Suite 200-A, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306, 754-300-8698


2012 Victory Party, Election Night, November 6th.  The Republican Party of Broward County and the George Moraitis Campaign for State Representative.  At the Westin Ft. Lauderdale, 400 Corporate Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334.  954-660-6720.  From 7:30 pm to 12:00 am.  Watch election results live with fellow Republicans.  Candidate appearances throughout the night.  Food will be provided – Cash bar.  RSVP required by clicking HERE or call 954-941-7775.


All the best,


Richard DeNapoli, Chairman

Broward Republican Executive Committee


*Paid for by Friends of  Adam Hasner
**Paid for by Karen Harrington for U.S. Congress, Inc.
***Political advertisement paid for and approved by Ellyn Bogdanoff, Republican for State Senate, District 34.
****Paid for and approved by George Moraitis, Republican, for State Representative, District 93.
*****Political Advertisement Paid for And Approved by Vince Boccard Campaign, Non-Partisan for Coral Springs Mayor.
******Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.
*******Political advertisement paid for and approved by Al Lamberti, Republican, for Sheriff.
********Political Advertisement paid for and approved by James Gleason, Republican for State Representative (District 97).  Political Advertisement paid for and approved by Robert Sutton, Republican candidate for Broward County Commission District 3.
Victory Party Paid for and authorized by the Broward Republican Executive Committee.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.  Political advertisement paid for and approved by George Moraitis, Republican for State Representative.
DISCLAIMER: Campaign notices are for informational purposes only as a courtesy to our subscribers and our Republican candidates. They are not an endorsement by the Broward County Republican Executive Committee.

NOTICE TO CANDIDATES: Any Republican candidate that wishes for the BREC to send an email notice of their event in Broward County must submit it via email to [email protected] and it must contain time, date, location (including complete address), contact name, email and phone number with a .jpeg or PDF flyer advertising the event.  Only events submitted will be listed upon the request of the campaign/candidates.


Political advertisement paid for and approved by the Broward Republican Executive Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Email Original Send Date: November 2, 2012

Next BREC Meeting February 28th, 2011 – Other Events This Week!


FEBRUARY 28, 2011

Adam Hasner



More Announcements Below

January BREC Meeting Highlights.

We started off 2011 with a packed house of over 250 to hear our Keynote Speaker Fmr. Congressman E. Clay Shaw.    Thank you to Congressman Shaw and his wife Emilie!

Honored Guest speakers included Representative Matt Hudson, County Commissioner Chip LaMarca, US Senate Candidate Col. Mike McCalister, Ph.D., and Dr. Stephanie E. Haridopolis, MD, wife of Florida Senate President and US Senate Candidate Mike Haridopolis.

We also heard from our new Executive Director Rico Petrocelli and municipal candidates.

We officially launched our new website:

and our very own blog, the Broward GOP Insider!

The following committees were created:  Registration, Fundraising, Communications, Newsletter, Hispanic Leadership Council, Campaign Logistics, African American Leadership Council, Faith Based Committee, and Membership Committee.

All in all, it was a great night and we are looking forward to a great 2011!

Wednesday, February 2nd – Congressman Allen West’s Broward County District Office Grand Opening.  

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 6300 N.E. 1st Avenue, Ste. 100, Fort Lauderdale, FL at 5 PM.

Thursday, February 3rd – Ellyn Bogdanoff Fundraising Reception.  

Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff is having a Fundraising Reception as she kicks off the 2012 Campaign for Re-Election tot he Florida Senate.  110 Southeast 6th Street, 15th Floor, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301.  (Law Office of Tripp Scott, P.A.).  If you have any questions to to RSVP, contact Arielle Richardson at[email protected] or 954-767-9850. 

Thursday, February 3rd – The American Experiment: Where Do We Go from Here.

Come and see a Conservative v. Progressive Panel Discussion!  Heading up the Conservative team are BREC Member and Republican Business Network Board Member,David Gobeo; BREC Secretary and President of the Broward Young Republicans, Sheela Venero; and President of the Republican Club of Greater Hollywood, Robert Lowry.  7 to 9 PM at the Coral Springs Christian Academy, 2251 Riverside Drive, Coral Springs, FL.  Contact 954-729-9244 for more info.

Message from Barbara Campbell, Fundraising Chair of the East Broward Federated Women’s Republican Club:

“Our Annual Fashion Show is just around the corner…We would like you to advertise your business in our advertisement program….For those who do not have a business of their own or are not employed, we have our Complements of Page.  Remember every little bit helps.  This is our largest fund raiser of the year.  EBFWRC is very involved with working with the first and second grade students at Bennett Elementary School.  One of the high points of the year is the opportunity to provide each student with a book of their choice to take home and keep as well as a $500 teacher grant and journals and supplies at the beginning of the school year.  We also contribute the maximum amount to each Republican candidate.  Please contact Barbara Campbell at 954-566-9098 if you wish to advertise.  It’s $15 for a Business Card, $30 Half Page, $60 Full Page, and $5 Complements of Page.


All the best,

Richard DeNapoli, Chairman

Republican Party of Broward County

Political advertisement paid for and approved by the Broward Republican Executive Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Original Email Date: February 1, 2011