Happy Veterans Day! Ways to Say Thanks
HAPPY VETERANS DAY! Here’s wishing all of America’s Veterans a Happy Veterans Day! Remember to thank a veteran or soldier for defending our liberty and freedom. Please see below for 4 ways to show your appreciation to America’s vets and those still in uniform – that was featured in this past weekend’s Parade magazine. God Bless America, Richard DeNapoli, Chairman Broward Republican Party 4 Ways to Say Thanks on Veterans Day Want to say thank you to someone who’s served? Here are four ways to show your appreciation to America’s vets and those still in uniform.
1. Share your miles. 2. Make a quilt for a child. 3. Print out the DAV Rx Card. 4. Send leftover Halloween candy.
11 Ways to Say Thanks from Last Year’s Parade Magazine: 1. Give shelter. Homes for Our Troops constructs houses for severely injured veterans who served after 9/11. Donate equipment or help build a home.homesforourtroops.org 2. Offer a vet a ride. The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) provides free transportation to men and women unable to travel to VA medical facilities on their own. You can volunteer to drive a DAV van for those in need.dav.org/volunteers 3. Provide foster care for a pet. Take in the dog or cat of a deployed soldier or a wounded veteran while he or she is on duty or receiving VA medical treatment. guardianangelsforsoldierspet.org 4. Record a war story. Do you know an old soldier with tales from the front lines? The Library of Congress wants to hear his voice. Go to the website below for tips on conducting an interview or to request a field kit, including biographical data and release forms. 5. Put those old cell phones to good use. Instead of stashing your used phones in the junk drawer, ship them to Cell Phones for Soldiers. For each one donated, the organization will pay for an hour of talk time for troops overseas.cellphonesforsoldiers.com 6. Donate used DVDs. Drop off movies or television shows at your local VA facility, or mail them to DVDs4Vets, a national organization that distributes them where needed. 7. Cut coupons. Have some expired coupons lying around? Military families can use them for up to six months past their end date.
8. Contribute to a holiday drive. Operation Gratitude’s annual campaign collects clothing, food, and more and packs it in gift boxes for service members. Pitch in by offering up items; local residents can sort them on-site.operationgratitude.com/volunteer 9. Post a care package. Through the organization Kitchen Table Gang, hospitalized veterans and troops abroad can receive personalized parcels containing everything from candy to board games. Get a service member’s address from KTG, bundle up items with a note of thanks, and send them off.soldierpackages.org 10. Share your expertise. MilServe connects volunteers with vets in many areas: financial counseling or legal services; job search guidance; even carpentry, for building wheelchair ramps. 11. Support Big Brothers Big Sisters. The national organization has a special Military Mentoring program for children with parents in the armed forces. The group carefully pairs kids with adults serving in the military, as well as with veterans and civilians.
Political advertisement paid for and approved by the Broward Republican Executive Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Original Email Date: November 12, 2012