
Richard DeNapoli Appointed to RPOF Elections and GOTV Committee


FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 2011.


Richard DeNapoli Appointed to the

Elections and GOTV Committee of the RPOF.  

BROWARD COUNTY, FL.  Richard DeNapoli, Chairman of the Broward Republican Executive Committee (“BREC”), was appointed by Republican Party of Florida Chairman David Bitner to the Elections and Get Out the Vote (“GOTV”) Committee of the Republican Party of Florida (“RPOF”).

Richard DeNapoli: “I am honored to have been appointed by RPOF Chairman Bitner on Thursday, February 17th, to the Elections and GOTV Committee of the RPOF.”

From Chairman Bitner: “It is my honor to announce the new members of these important committees,” said Chairman Bitner. “We are lucky to have such dedicated individuals on our team to help ensure our party remains strong going into 2012 and beyond. I look forward to working with each of these members as we continue to build our party in the coming years. …

The Elections and GOTV Committee is charged with developing and reporting to the Executive Board ways in which the Republican Party of Florida can maintain an effective volunteer force during off and election years.  This includes inventive ways for recruiting volunteers and implementing effective 72 hour efforts on a local level. This Committee should be composed of individuals who have a working knowledge on local election efforts.

Michael De Gruccio, Mark McCarthy,, David Bitner, Richard DeNapoli

Michael De Gruccio, Mark McCarthy,, David Bitner, Richard DeNapoli


Transition…and Looking Ahead to 2011

Dear BREC Members,  

I want to thank you all once again for the honor of serving as your Chairman.

We are looking forward to an exciting year for the Republican Party of Broward!

Our next meeting is scheduled for January 24, 2011, at the Sheraton Suites hotel and will feature Fmr. Congressman E. Clay Shaw.  More details to follow.

With a great Board in place, we are working on many initiatives in advance of our next BREC meeting.  Here are some highlights:

Transition.  I have met extensively with the outgoing Board members and all have been very helpful during these last couple of weeks.  I wish to thank them all for making themselves available during this holiday season so that we can begin the New Year on the right track.

I have also met with the new Board and we will meet once again before the New Year.

The Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) Quarterly.  Colleen, Sheela and I attended the RPOF Quarterly in Orlando on December 10-11, and met many great Republican leaders from all over the state.  We exchanged ideas, and I learned about successes in other counties that we could bring to Broward.  Governor-Elect Scott personally asked me to increase Republican registration in Broward, and I intend to do whatever it takes – with your help – to meet this request.

Additionally, I met with all of the candidates for the upcoming RPOF Chair election.  All are committed to helping our local County Executive Committees and know how important Broward County is to the state of Florida.

Best Wishes to Sharon Day!  Best wishes are also in order for our very own State Committeewoman, National Committeewoman, and RNC Secretary Sharon Day, who is running for Co-Chair of the RNC!

The 8 for 800 Platform.  With the help of the new Board and other committee members, I have already begun implementing many of the ideas outlined in the Eight Point Platform for the almost Eight Hundred Precincts in Broward.  If you believe in the 8 for 800 Platform and are willing to work extremely hard, let me know you’re interested in serving.

If you or anyone you know has any questions about the BREC, please feel free to contact me directly.  I have been and always will be accessible to our committee members.  My personal email is [email protected] and my personal cell number is 954-298-9121.

I’m looking forward to a great year for the BREC and the Republican Party!

All the best,

Richard DeNapoli, Chairman

Republican Party of Broward County


Original Email Date December 20, 2010